Bulan Oktober 2010

12 November 2010 Leave a comment

katanya bulan oktober kali ini memiliki 5 hari jumat, 5 hari sabtu, dan 5 hari minggu. Dan ini hanya terjadi 1 kali dalam 832 tahun. sy dapat di sini

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Rezeki yang tak Disangka-sangka

11 November 2010 Leave a comment

Saat asyiknya bermain tetris , saya kedatangan tamu di kosan yang baru seminggu saya tempati di Belopa, yaitu Paman saya, dan akhirnya memberikan rezeki berupa duit Rp. 50.000.  Allah swt, sang Khaliq tahu bahwa saya butuh uang untuk makan dan nge-net. Mungkin karena hari ini saya  memulai aktivitas saya yang sering saya lakukan di waktu SMA, yaitu puasa Senin Kamis. Jadi Allah memberikan rezeki yang tak disangka-sangka seperti janjinya dalam Alqur’an.



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Masih Ada Waktu

10 November 2010 2 comments

Usiaku kini 21 tahun, gagal dalam menempuh pendidikan di Institut Teknologi Bandung, dan memilih untuk melanjutkan kuliah di Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung.  Beberapa teman SMA ku dan teman di Jurusan saya, Informatic Enggineering sudah lulus, dan beberapa sudah kerja, dan beberapa lagi sementara menunggu lamaran. Dan beberapa lagi saat ditanya menjawab “nganggur !” .  Sekarang  saya berada di kampung halaman, memperbaiki diri, mental untuk berjuang kembali demi kehidupan yang lebih damai. Banyak yang harus saya lakukan untuk melepaskan semua beban mental yang saya alami. Berupaya memulai hidup baru, mengurangi aktifitas pergaulan dengan beberapa teman.



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It’s about Twitter

I’ve being interested to join Twitter
It’s  caused of  a lot of people liking this situs..
I don’t know..maybe the reason for that situation is..
Twitter is more flexible to use in your mobile phone. That’s the real reason to compete with all network situs in my opinion.
this is the article ..I’ve found in Yahoo answer..

I’ve being interested to join TwitterIt’s  caused of  a lot of people liking this situs..
I don’t know..maybe the reason for that situation is..
Twitter is more flexible to use in your mobile phone. That’s the real reason to compete with all network situs in my opinion.

Twitter is a cross between blogging and texting.

You basically post very short messages about what you’re doing at that moment.

For example:

8:00am : going to work
8:15am : got to work
8:17am : have lots of email
9:13am : why is there no coffee?
10:00am : meeting time
10:30am : in meeting – i’m so bored
11:00am : early lunch
(and so on)

I honestly don’t see the point. What could possibly be that fascinating about your (or anyone’s) life that would make other people want to fawn over ever little detail every few minutes? And if something was important to you, isn’t it worth writing more than a short sentence?

Whatever. I can remember people telling me that this “email thing” was equally as useless and pointless   ”

and after I’ve readed it .

my smile is on..:D

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Here by Me

10 February 2010 2 comments

I Love U

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am I losing someOne again ?

i just know her for 2 days..
I love the way she look something.
I  saw her in her facebook..
I  don’t know..I just realize ..if someday i could meet her..
but i don’t know what happen right now?..
I felt different when she won’t talk me again..
I said hello in her yahoomessenger but. she didn’t reply..
I wish I could find someone can change Chlara in my heart…
I wish that she  would be her..
I can’t avoid that i still Chlara ..and I can’t change her with someone in my heart..
and I know ..Chlara  with someone right now..
and I feel He is better than me looking  from any side..not like me ..homeless..and didn’t pass of  University because Dropt Out…
Poor Me..
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what next?

28 January 2010 1 comment

i always think about what next..and i don’t know what to do right now…

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hope u success !

now this day my friend going to jakarta to have interview and psychology test prepare to entering the company…

if he pass it..he will in Malaysia..because that company operating there 😀

you are my best friend..

go get it!!!

Categories: Uncategorized

Reconcile Violation! How ?

23 January 2010 1 comment

Seeing some your friend going to finish hiz/her school..and i just lost in my dark .Hearing Violation from your heart…and don’t know how to reconcile it…

I Really Lost my Self..and i hate my self…

I wish I could go out from here ..

Categories: Uncategorized

a point…just a point


now i felt better than before..i meant going to normal..meanwhile everything has been lost..now i decided to write my journey of my life.. and maybe someday my sons will read about my life when i was young..

my friend and so on ..i haven’t ever speak to them till now..because i don’t know how to speak to them..because maybe in their mind i still crazy..and different right now..like a creepy person..i don’t know from where the statement come to my stupid head…although i want to say hi to them too…but you know..

someone can feel what the people look to him/her..

huh..some kind of nerd of me ….

i know this blog is boring..and no body want read my blog..but i feel better..when i write it all my feeling..

thanks me …:D

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